Node com.nodelab.equity.Trades

Instance of TypeScriptInfo

Node dataValue
org.edgescript.TypeScriptInfo.script/* aBaliPluginTable tableAspect value = #trades ifTrue: [ list := List new. list add: self name , ' '. list addAll: #('' '' '' ''). from := aBaliPluginTable display dimHistory focus daysStart. to := aBaliPluginTable display dimHistory focus daysEnd. buyVol := 0. buyValue := 0. env := aBaliPluginTable display envDimensions. last := self valueAspect: #value environment: env. self musician tradesFrom: from to: to block: [:an | list add: ((BaliTime fromTimestamp: (an at: 1)) printType: #minute) , ' '. list add: ((an at: 2) isNil ifFalse: [an at: 2] ifTrue: ['']) , ' '. list add: ((an at: 3) isNil ifFalse: [an at: 3] ifTrue: ['']) , ' '. list add: (GotheTools formatFloat: (an at: 4) digits: 2) , ' '. list add: (GotheTools formatInteger: (an at: 5)) , ' ']. aBaliPluginTable tableList: (TwoDList on: list columns: 5). aBaliPluginTable table columnLabelsFormats: #right. aBaliPluginTable table elementFormats: #right. aBaliPluginTable table columnLabelsArray: #('time ' 'buyer ' 'seller ' 'price ' 'volume '). ^nil]. */